Personnel Potential Analysis Testing Service

The Personnel Potential Analysis Testing Service is built exclusively for WISE® Members. Find out more about WISE.

This service consists of three different tests designed to work as a set. Each of the tests is described below.

Tests are sold either by the set or on an annual subscription basis.

The Personnel Potential Analysis Test

The Personnel Potential Analysis test consists of 200 questions designed to measure 10 essential job-related criteria. These are Stability, Goal Attainment, Composure, Certainty, Activity Level, Aggressiveness, Responsibility Level, Correct Estimation/Criticalness Level, Appreciativeness and Communication Level.

Results are displayed in graphical form with each criteria ranging from -100 to +100.

The IQ Test

The IQ test consists of 80 questions designed to measures the ability to solve problems.

The scores on the IQ test indicate different levels of the capacity to learn. They are evaluated as follows:

Descriptive Classification
% Population
very superior
5 percent
110 - 134
10 percent
100 - 109
high average
35 percent
90 - 99
low average
35 percent
80 - 89
10 percent
80 and below
very inferior
5 percent

Translating these figures into the type of job a person could expect to do successfully, the scores can be evaluated as follows:

senior executive
110 - 134
senior executive or junior executive
100 - 109
nonexecutive job
90 - 99
nonexecutive job, recommended assignment to area of familiarity and skill
80 - 89
nonexecutive job, recommended assignment to demonstrable area of previous training or known skill
80 and below
assign only to known areas of proven competence and skill

The Aptitude Test

The Aptitude test is a timed test designed to measure the ability to duplicate and carry out instructions and tells you if this person is accident prone.

Analyzing the scores of the Aptitude Test can be done with the following guidelines:

Duplication Ability
90 and above
very superior
accurate, fast duplication
80 - 89
duplicates well
65 - 79
fair duplication
Below 65
not passing
accident prone, inability to adapt, will duplicate clear orders if understood

Translating these figures into the type of job a person could expect to do successfully, the scores can be evaluated as follows:

90 and above
senior executive
80 - 89
senior executive or junior executive
65 - 79
junior executive or nonexecutive
Below 65
nonexecutive job; not recommended for jobs that handle machinery